Mar 142016

So, “protesters” in Chicago created enough of a physical ruckus that Trump cancelled a rally. The protesters believe that they scored a victory. But who *really* believes that Trump and his followers won’t use this as a rallying cry? Something authoritarians pretty much *need* is an external threat to rally the faithful against.

I understand some of the appeal of Trump. He is not politically correct, and that’s great. He’s a vulgarian, and that’s kinda ok. But he is a braggart, which would be dubious at the best of times but wholly bizarre considering his staggering record of failures. His relationship to honesty is downright Democratic in its tenuousness. The main thing his fans seem to like is that he projects himself as the Strong Man in the Mussolini sense… and I just can’t accept that. As a supporter of individualism, the idea of rallying around a Dear Leader or Maximum Leader or First Citizen or Big Boss or whatever just makes me friggen’ ill.

Lookin’ like 2016 is gonna *suuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.*

 Posted by at 2:43 pm