Mar 082016

The real value of *good* science is the ability to predict the future. And so, coming off January and February 2016, which were apparently the hottest months on record, with an El Nino  that has been pretty impressive, some climatologists are predicting that the rest of 206 will be Damn Hot and filled with wacky weather.

El Niño’s Disastrous Worldwide Consequences Are Just Getting Started

The global warming “pause’ that seems to have occurred for a dozen or so years appears to be over. The thermal energy that didn’t seem to be jacking up the atmospheric temperature was instead being drawn into the deep ocean, warming cold waters. But with El Nino stirring things up, that thermal energy is apparently being dumped back into the atmosphere, leading to a remarkable temperature rise rate.

And so, if 2016 *does* turn out to be a year filled with extraordinary climatic horrors… you know who to blame: anti-nuclear activists. Had they not shut the program down in the late 1970s/early 1980s, we’d have a lot more nukes, a lot less coal & oil plants, a lot less CO2 in the air and a less wacky climate.

 Posted by at 1:07 pm