1: “Deadpool:” violent, profane, lots of nakidity… and absolutely hilarious. Worth seeing even if, like me, you know diddly-squat about the comic book.
2: “True Detective, season 1:” Only eight episodes, but, dayum, that there was a good show. On the surface it’s a cop drama… but underneath – and not really that far underneath – it’s Lovecraftian cosmic horror. There are explicit callouts to bits of Lovecraft lore, specifically the Yellow King and Carcosa. Granted these predate Loftcraft by a few decades, but he and his literary associates adopted them. Additionally, Matthew McConaughey’s character Rust Cohle is just about the best personification of the sort of nihilist/apatheist worldview projected in the Cthulhu mythos that I’ve ever seen.
A note, though: in one episode of “True Detective,” there are extended shots of a completely buck nekkid Alexandria Daddario. If this is the sort of thing you’d find unpleasant to watch… well, let’s just say you and I view the world very differently.
I understand that season two of “True Detective” told an entirely different story with an entirely different cast