Jan 202016

I recently acquired diagrams of a B-52 with six high-bypass turbofans. Sadly, the diagram lacks data on *which* engines those were, and when the design was made. So: does this look familiar?

re-engined b-52

Could be any of several, I think.

The full diagrams have been posted into the 2016-01 folder on the APR Patron Dropbox site. If interested, this and many, many other high-rez aerospace goodies are available to all APR Patreon patrons at the $4 level and higher. So, check it out


UPDATE: Looks like this was *probably* the CFM56. Some Googling finds repeated references to a study in the 1980′ s to re-engine the B-52 with six CFM56’s, though I haven’t found much in the way of details.

 Posted by at 10:41 am