Inexperienced, Undereducated Truck Driver Destroys Indiana Bridge Built In 1880
The driver took a thirty-ton truck over an old iron bridge rated for six tons. From the police report:
Ms. Lambright was aware of the iron bridge stating she had driven on it several times in her personal vehicle and was also aware of the posted signage “no semis, weight limit of 6 tons”. When asked by Paoli Police why she continued through the bridge knowing the weight limit was only 6 tons she admitted to not knowing how many pounds that was.
The down sides to this story are obvious: inconveniencing the people who rely on that bridge, costing her employers buckets of money, damaging a historical artifact. On the plus side: some people will be getting a new bridge, and here’s an opportunity to discuss the miserable state of the Department of Education. Also… one has to wonder how often this sort of thing will happen with robo-trucks.