Jun 302009

Well, so much for that… Yesterday I went down to Ogden and cleaned out my failed bid at income.

Omens only mean something when they come as a surprise. Omens of doom when you’re fully aware that doom is immanent just don’t have the impact. Nevertheless, yesterday as I was leaving town, heading towards Ogden, I noticed that the local emergency departments were going bonkers… police cars, fire trucks and ambulances heading every which way at high speed. Got a few miles south on I-15, and I saw where they were all congregating:


This was the only meaningful photo I took of the incident… photograpy while driving ain’t exactly the safest thing in the world. But as I passed, I couldn’t tell what all the hubbub was about… lots of emergency vehicles, but no wrecks. Finally, *just* as I was passing through, I caught a hint of the source of the trouble: just barely visible off the road to the right was the roof of a large RV. Apparently an RV had gone off the road, and the “ditch” was rather deep (at least 13 or so feet). Judging from the flotsam at the side of the road in the photo above, i’d guess that the RV and another vehicle tangled and went off the side.

 Posted by at 2:10 pm

  One Response to “And so it ends.”

  1. Sorry to see it go. I have several friends that are crafters and they always get together and have a wake when they have to pull out of location.

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