Dec 042015

Here’s an interesting piece:

What to Do in an Active Shooter Situation

The advice seems to make a whole lot of sense. First thing you do is run away. Second thing you do is hide. And lastly, if the other options aren’t available, you fight. How do you fight? Like a friggen’ madman. One of the examples given was the takedown of the Jihadi on the French train some months back; three Americans and a Briton beat him to a pulp (including beating him in the face with the muzzle of his own gun). It quotes Chris Norman, the Brit on the train, who later said:

“My thought was, ‘OK, I’m probably going to die anyway, so let’s go.’ I’d rather die being active, trying to get him down, than simply sit in the corner and be shot. Either you sit down and you die or you get up and you die. It was really nothing more than that.”

 Posted by at 1:28 pm