Nov 032015

The US has been a successful “melting pot” of immigrants because for most of its history it has been able to assimilate immigrants. For the most part, even large waves of immigrants have been only a small fraction of the total populations of communities they’ve settled in.

But Europe is trying a different approach…

They’re here! First of 750 migrants arrive in tiny German village with a population of just 102 (including a neo-Nazi councillor) bracing itself for 700 PER CENT population hike

Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. *Instantly* outnumber the locals with a mass of people from not only a different culture, but an *antagonistic* culture. Possible explanations:

  1. Bureaucratic incompetence, whoever decided to do this didn’t really think through the possible consequences
  2. Left-wing aggression: whoever decided to do this thinks that German culture is evil, excessively white, privileged, blah, blah, blah, and deserves to be taken down a peg
  3. Right-wing aggression: whoever decided to do this is playing a complicated game… knowing that dumping a whole lot of “refugees” into a small village will lead to strife and perhaps outright violence, hoping that said violence will lead to a propaganda victory and/or an all-out rebellion by the German people against this refugee colonization

Personally, I’d lay odds on #1. Never attribute super villainy to events that can be equally explained via incompetence or stupidity.

 Posted by at 9:04 am