Sep 012015

This revelation will, no doubt, be received with calm interest.

This Copy of the Koran Could Be Older Than The Prophet Muhammad

In short… a few pages from an ancient copy of the Koran being tested by scientists at Oxford University have been carbon dated to between 568 A.D. and 645 A.D. According to Islamic lore, Mohammad received his “revelations” starting around 610 A.D. So the possibility exists that at least parts of the Koran were written before Muhammad started his religion, which, if true, would mean he appropriated at least some portions of his “revelations” from existing sources.

Why, the very idea of a less-than-honest “prophet.” I’m shocked, truly. To the fainting couch!

At the very least, if further testing puts the date at the later end of the range, 645 A.D., this might still somewhat mess with the official story, as Muhammed’s tales weren’t supposedly set down in writing quite that early.

 Posted by at 7:29 am