Aug 252015

It’s a fiberglass mockup that has bounced from museum to museum. Appears likely to have been made for a movie. But *what* movie? It’s currently residing at the Russell Military Museum north of Chicago.

MysteryAerospaceTiltrotor3000zSoviet tilt rotor mockup - 7zSoviet tilt rotor mockup - 1

UPDATE: It looks like this is *probably* a product of the “American Aircraft Corporation,” a short-lived company from the 1990s. AAC released art depicting their “MP-36 Patriot” tilt rotor armed escort, which was apparently pitched to the US Marine Corps. The main vehicle in the illustration below is clearly larger than the mockup; but perhaps the mockup represents a smaller LHX-like VTOL “fighter.” Note the slightly different version in the background.

The  vehicle appears to have a ducted lift-fan in the nose; this would balance out the design during hover. But it still appears that the vehicle would struggle to have decent hover performance with those relatively small rotors.

There appears to be a copy of the proposal in the University of California-Berkeley library. Anybody nearby?

American Aircraft Corp Patriot

 Posted by at 7:33 pm