Aug 132015

There’s something here that just seems a little odd.  Former Vermont Governor and Democrat Party shill Howard Dean was recently interviewed and said this:

The problem is that Joe Biden, is a very good guy, and probably has no appeal whatsoever to people under 35. People under 35 elected Barack Obama President of the United States. That is a key part of the Democratic coalition…

OK, sure, there’s probably some sense here. Biden is 72; probably kinda hard to relate to The Kids These Days. But then Dean goes on:

So I think it makes sense to have a candidate, and I think Hillary is one, I think Bernie is another who really can turn on the under 35 set. And I think that would be a problem for Joe. So you know, he’s served us incredibly well, I just think that it is probably too late for that.

Ummm. Bernie Sanders is 73. Hillary Clinton is 67.

Yeah, the Democrats are truly the party of the young folks this go-around.

As a side-point… Ronald Reagan is often noted for having been an Old Guy. When elected he was 69. Hillary, if she’s elected, will be only a year or so younger than Reagan was; Sanders would be five years older.

 Posted by at 10:14 am