Aug 072015

In May of 2014, I posted about a book that looked awesome… a brand new “Making of 2001” tome. Four volumes, 1386 pages… and with a selling price of $750. Oddly enough, I never got around to buying a copy.

However, they have now released a paperback version. Sadly, it’s reduced to a single volume of 562 pages… but at least it’s affordable. On Amazon the basic price is $69.99, but right now they are pre-selling it for $46.93. I hear tell it has a whole lot of really good illustrations.

If interested… please feel free to buy it through this link. I’ll receive a tiny pittance!



If you  don’t see the standard Amazon ad-box thing for “The Making of 2001” immediately above this… it’s probably a browser issue. So, try HERE as another link.

 Posted by at 3:58 pm