Jul 222015

I have finished the next Pax Orionis story (to the first draft level, at any rate).”Deadliest Catch” – which will almost certainly be re-titled, for legal reasons if nothing else – is a bit shorter than “The Cuban War,” and tells a far smaller story. One incident from the Great War of 1984. It is written in the form of a magazine article interviewing one of the participants 10 years later, and probably needs to be tightened up a *lot.* But I think it’s potentially entertaining.

As previously mentioned, I’ll send a PDF of this to the first three commenters who want to read it, with the understanding that:

The only requirements will be that the readers do *not* share it further, but *do* share via email any critiques or suggestions they have… and that they post comments on the blog giving their general impressions. “This sucks” or “this is great” are both fine, so long as they are the honest assessment. No spoilers!

So… if you’d like to read “Deadliest Catch” and give me your honest feedback, leave a comment below.

UPDATE: Three commenters spoke up and have been emailed a copy of “Deadliest Catch.” So now we wait…

 Posted by at 11:18 am