Jun 032015

WikiLeaks offers $100,000 bounty for the secret chapters of Obama’s landmark Pacific trade deal

In general I’m opposed to the notion of paying people to break their security clearances to hustle out secret reports. But some things probably *shouldn’t* be secret… such as international governmental trade deals. But the Trans Pacific Partnership is *bizarrely* secretive:

Australian MPs allowed to see top-secret trade deal text but can’t reveal contents for four years

Anything like a treaty should be debated in Congress. But it *can’t* be debated if it can’t be read by those who would be debating it.

(I’ve said it before: when I gain dictatorial power, one of the changes I will institute is that a lawmaker cannot vote “yes” on a bill unless they have read it. And *all* bills will be read on the floor of the House & Senate, in their entirety, by the Senators & Reps who have written them. This’ll put an end to those 2,000 page tomes that “we have to vote for before we see what’s in it.”)

But more confusion: Wikileaks is trying to raise the $100K via a Kickstarter campaign. That’s clever. But… they’re soliciting the funds in order to incentivize someone to do an illegal thing. I’d think Kickstarter would be leery of that, to say the least.

 Posted by at 2:45 pm