May 102015

Electric ‘hypercar’ Toroidion 1MW boasts 1,341 horsepower

And it’s cheap, too… it’ll go for between $1,500,000 and $3,500,000 each.

Even though batteries aren’t fundamentally much better than they were a generation ago, electric cars do seem to be becoming more practical (of course, a multi-million-dollar “hypercar” ain’t exactly the best example of “practical”).

The claim is that this car would be able to win the 24 hour Le Mans race. Assuming this isn’t the worst form of hyperbolic propaganda, some means mus be in place to make recharging the battery, or swapping it out, relatively quick and easy.


Note: I noticed when I logged in to post this that I haven’t posted anything in a few days. Friday morning I witnessed a small event on the road  that just depressed the hell out of me. Every now and then I am reminded that my decision to permanently “trap” my cats indoors and not let them roam outdoors was the right one.

 Posted by at 1:21 am