Apr 252015

Atheists Outnumber Southern Baptists in US Military

US military: 1.3 million members on active duty as of December 2014.

12,360 Southern Baptists

12,764 atheists

Sadly, the article doesn’t link to the source of this data. But it includes this:

Non-denominational Christians (26%), Nones (20.4%), and Roman Catholics (20.4%) are the largest groups in the military, followed by Baptists (9.3%), which is a separate category than Southern Baptists.

Among other religious groups, there are more Jews (4,728) than United Methodists (4,111); more Seventh-day Adventists (3,999) than Muslims (3,709); and a few more members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (1,458) than Wiccans (1,432).

Note that “None” isn’t the same as “atheist” (it would also include “agnostic” and “apatheist”) but it’s still a whole lot of military folk who don’t follow any religion.

 Posted by at 12:46 pm