Mar 202015

Because who doesn’t want a flamethrower? The potential uses are endless. Pest control! Home defense! Personal defense against muggers! Weed control! Urban renewal!

The XM42 will soon be available in the 49 least Californian states for the low, low price of $700.


They are supposed to have an Indigogo page to help crowd fund this project… but if you click on it it jsut goes to the main Indiegogo page, and a search for XM42 doesn’t turn anything up. The campaign doesn’t begin until the 23rd, so maybe that’s why the page isn’t up. Or maybe Indiegogo might have decided that a flamethrower doesn’t fit in with their usual hipster development projects. I suppose we’ll see in a few days.

Some aspect of the design are puzzling. What makes it go, basically. There are, seemingly, no pressure tanks to squirt the gasoline out. Pumping it out mechanically is possible I suppose, but leaks would be catastrophic. It looks like there’s a small propane burner, so maybe it taps into that.

One wonders if the US government might be interested in buy a few thousand and loaning them to the Ukrainian government…


 Posted by at 3:30 pm