Jun 112009

A new Boeing promotional video for the F-15SE has shown up on YouTube. I’ve grabbed a couple of the images…

image1.jpg  image2.jpg  image3.jpg  image4.jpg  image5.jpg  image6.jpg  image7.jpg  image8.jpg  image9.jpg  image10.jpg  image11.jpg  image12.jpg  image13.jpg  image14.jpg  image15.jpg  image16.jpg  image17.jpg  image18.jpg  image19.jpg

The exhaust nozzles don’t look especially special… not dedicated 2-D vectorable nozzles like on the F-22, at any rate. This is not to say that these “round holes” can’t vector, nor is it to imply that the CG model used in the video is necessarily accurate. Just “good enough” for PR purposes. On the other hand, there appears to be some slight facetteing going on forward of the cockpit. The underside of the nose *looks* like it might be flattened.

 Posted by at 8:02 pm

  2 Responses to “New F-15 Silent Eagle Images”

  1. I’m puzzled as to why they didn’t bother squaring off the wingtips in a fashion similar to the F-22. I have no idea what improvement it would have on the radar cross section, but the wingtip change would be cheap and have little effect on flying qualities.

  2. > I have no idea what improvement it would have on the radar cross section, but the wingtip change would be cheap…

    There’s no such thing as a “cheap” change in aerospace. Such a change could easily cost several millions; unless something provides evidence early on that the change would provide a worthwhile advantage, it’s unlikely to even be seriously studied.

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