Mar 102015

Kosinski Returns For TRON 3, Shoots This Fall In Vancouver

Returning from Tron: Legacy will be Garret Hedlund as Sam Flynn and director Joseph Kosinski. While T:L was pretty weak in the story department, you can’t fault its visuals (except uncanny-valley CGI Jeff bridges). And Kosinksi’s followup to Legacy was Oblivion, which was generally all-round pretty awesome.


And something else I’m OK with:

Syfy Confirms That Ascension Is Dead


Ascension was, until it aired, one of the most intriguing-seeming shows about. But then they showed the first episode, and it was just, just awful. The Major Mind-Blowing Twist was telegraphed well in advance, and when it came it wasn’t so much an “OMG!” moment as a “Well, there it is” moment. And the twist that they *weren’t* on a spacecraft but instead were simply rats in an underground maze sucked all the drama and interest out of it.

I can forgive a show that tries, but falls short… the acting is spotty, the visual effects are choppy… but the writing is generally at least ok, and it’s not monumentally *stupid.* But Ascension turned that all upside down. Glitzty, well-produced high-dollar-value *crap.*

 Posted by at 7:53 pm