Jan 122015

One topic that hasn’t appeared much on this blog is “sports cars.” Partially because I’m not particularly interested in them; partially because I’m too poor to even afford to dream about such things. Still, even though if I was suddenly granted a half billion dollars I would not buy a supercar, I find the lack of high-end American sports cars somewhat disturbing. These mechanisms are really quite silly and impractical… but the fact that we don’t make them as we once did means we’ve lost a certain quality. (Similarly, I’ve never been a particular fan of westerns, but the fact that we basically no longer make ’em, that the term “cowboy” has actually come to be used as a pejorative, says a lot, and little of it good.)

But then Ford just unveiled photos of their new 600 horsepower GT which is supposed to enter production next year:

Ford GT: This Is It

A number of photos at the link. There is also THIS LINK full of photos, with an impressively NSFW grade-school title. The people who seem to know about such things seem to be impressed with it. I’d be happier if it could sprout wings and fly, but I’ll take what I can get, I suppose…



So if you’re into such things, here ya go. If you can *afford* such things, well, start getting your finances together. And in the mean time, if you’re rich enough to afford a supercar and yet you’re reading this blog, why not go hit up the Tip Jar over yonder? It’s part of the social contract, man!

 Posted by at 10:19 am