Nov 032014

The former Sci Fi Channel, inanely rebranded as Syfy, continues to try to claw its way up from the World Wrestling Morass and Ghosthunting idiocy that has characterized it in recent years… now by greenlighting a miniseries based on Arthur C. Clarkes. “3001: The Final Odyssey.”

Arthur Clarke’s ‘3001: The Final Odyssey’ Set As Syfy Miniseries From Scott Free

Note that “Scott Free” here is Ridley Scott’s production company. So production values should be pretty good.

Given that Syfy will also the adapting Clarke’s “Childhoods End” and “The Expanse,” and will be airing the vaguely promising-looking “Ascension,” perhaps Syfy might actually become a decent science fiction network again.


Now, if someone over there could get on with adapting “Footfall” and “Lucifers Hammer” and “1632” and “Ringworld” and “The Moon is a Harsh Mistress” and “Warworld” and *good* versions of “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea” and “From the Earth to the Moon” and  “War of the Worlds…”

 Posted by at 2:44 pm