May 052009

 Wildlife photographer Lee Whittam was observing lions last December in the Okavango Delta in Botswana, when he captured the incredible moment the lioness clawed the lion’s tongue.
She had been whipping into a jealous rage after a neighbouring in-season lioness called to the lion, and was trying to stop him from crossing over to her.
But the male shook off her desperate attempts, crossing a channel of water to find the other female that was calling him.

YOW! Higher rez photos at the link.
But where have I seen that look on the lioness’ face before…. hmmm, let me think…


 Posted by at 11:41 am

  One Response to “Ouch…”

  1. I’d say she made her point! And you can bet she got a big pile of raw meat for THIS Mother’s Day! F-ing flowers, what the hell was he thinking?

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