Aug 252014

Prescription painkiller deaths fall in medical marijuana states

It seems overdose deaths from opioid painkillers (morphine, oxycodone and heroin) have dropped up to 33% in the 23 states that have passed medical marijuana laws. The article claims that researchers don’t know why this is, but come on… the answer pretty much presents itself. Pot is supposed to make a pretty good painkiller, with relatively few negative side effects, and overdosing on it is apparently damn near impossible (discounting the highly concentrated forms available via “pot brownies” and the like). Opioids, on the other hand, have all manned of negative side effects including some pretty horrible addiction issues.


FYI: just in case anyone cares, I’ve no use for the stuff. Not my schtick. But if Utah passed a legal marijuana law… hell, I have a few extra acres, there seems to be some money in that particular crop…

But somehow I don’t see Utah jumping on the marijuana bandwagon anytime soon. Oh well.

 Posted by at 8:22 pm