Aug 152014

Mike Brown was the poor, innocent little kid shot by a cop a few days back, starting all the ruckus in Ferguson, MO. Except… hmmm. There are three images worth pondering. In the interests of not showing badly pixelated blood and a dead guy, I’ll just post links to the images rather than the images themselves. But I think this is worth some consideration, at the very least.

Photo 1: Mike Brown, dead in the street.

Photo 2: Brown’s hat, also in the street.

Photo 3: A series of security camera stills from just a few minutes before Brown got shot. Things to compare: the hat, the long shorts, the sandals.

Looks like the same feller. Does it excuse him getting, as at least one story goes, “executed?” Nope. But one wonders what this will do to the narrative.

 Posted by at 8:43 am