Aug 122014

So, Buttons seems to be feeling much better. After  much stressing out and meds and x-rays and blood tests and such, he’s out of the woods. But then Speedbump decided to get in on the action. Yesterday while visiting the vet to settle up Buttons’ bill i described some recent behavioral oddities with Speedbump; they counseled to get him in *fast.* So today he was taken to the vet and diagnosed with a really bad urinary tract infection.

FYI: If you have a cat, more specifically a male cat, and it starts complaining… that’s a sign. And if that cat spends a *lot* of time at the litter box digging and digging and digging and digging and digging and digging and digging and digging but producing little to nothing… that’s a *big* sign.

Fortunately, this seems an easy fix. Antibiotics and other meds, and he should be good to go. Still, it was a bad day for Speedbump. Not only was he undoubtedly in pain, but he also got taken someplace with a bunch of strangers, not his favorite thing. Worse, while there a litter of puppies (“golden doodles,” which I’m informed are A Thing) was getting a round of vaccination shots, something they did not like and were terribly vocal about. As a consequence, Speedbump was *really* not happy to be there.


I think I’ve found my newest “Sad Cat wonders why you don’t subscribe to APR’s Patreon” photo…

The last two days at the vet have cost more than I’ve gotten from Patreon in the last two *months.* Where’s my ObamaCatCare???

 Posted by at 3:48 pm