Aug 102014

Anybody remember the “Sea Shepherds” got themselves a snazzy new carbon fiber speedboat a few years back, named it the “Ady Gil” after the chump who donated the thing, and then promptly got it run over and sunk by Japanese whalers? Well, guess who’s a little cheesed off by the whole thing…

More Trouble for Sea Shepherd Society

Ady Gil, owner of the eponymous ship Ady Gil, Vince Dundee, and Faast Leasing California, of which Dundee is a managing member, filed a civil RICO complaint against Sea Shepherd Conservation Society and Watson on Wednesday, in Superior Court.

The claim: the ship, while damaged when it turned into the path of a vastly more massive (and thus less maneuverable) whaling vessel, was readily salvageable. But it was stripped of equipment and not only allowed to sink, but in fact scuttled. This loss was then used as a fundraising centerpoint.

 Posted by at 12:29 pm