Aug 082014

The vets didn’t do the barium xray study today, because new bloodwork showed a big spike in white cell count, indicating an infection. They think the infection is in his bowels. He’s on intravenous antibiotics; they express confidence that that will do the trick over the next 24 to 48 hours. The string theory has apparently moved lower in likelihood.

Unhelpful: the vet called earlier in the day, the call went straight to voice mail and a message was left… but there is no message. This seems to happen with some friggen’ regularity with this phone. Does it sound familiar? The phone is on, charged, full bars, but calls go straight to voicemail and the mail messages vanish, sometime appearing hours later. Is it a problem with the AT&T system? Or with the phone itself? Texts work just fine. Outgoing calls work just fine.

 Posted by at 11:24 am