As mentioned yesterday, yesterday AM he started a long bout of barfing. Well, in continued all last night and into today. So this afternoon he went back to the vet:
Since yesterday he hasn’t had a speck of food or a drop of water that he didn’t yack back up within thirty minutes. To me, this sure sounds like he’s got a cork in him, somewhere. Vet says that a string, either balled up serving as a plug, or snaking through his innards serving as an irritant, is a likely possibility. So he’s spending the night at the vet and going to get an X-ray. However, strings don’t really show up on X-ray, so if they don’t see anything there, the next step is an endoscope. And the step after that is exploratory surgery, if they’ve ruled out everything else.
I have high hopes that the actual cause is a mutant hairball. This to me sounds not unlikely… as mentioned a few weeks back, he has recently taken up excessive grooming as a hobby, licking the base of his tail bald. It seems statistically unlikely that for a cat with few health issues to suddenly have two pop up more or less simultaneously without there being some link.