Aug 022014

This is probably reaching waaaay into the Obscure Closet: midway or so through the making of the TV series “Babylon 5,” a number of the people invoved in the visual effects for that show decided to stretch their legs a bit and make a Saturday morning kids show (raise your hands those who do not remember “Saturday morning kids shows.” You. Yes, you with the raised hands: shaddup. Damned kids…).

Hypernauts” was a half hour show that only ran a few episodes, and while the CGI is pretty lame by current standards, at the time it was pretty awesome, especially by kids show standards. What really impressed me at the time, though, was the design of the ships. Not surprisingly, they looked like they belonged in the “Babylon 5” universe, not only because they were modeled and rendered by the same people and on the same machines, but because they were *designed* by the same people. The shows main transport ship, the “Flapjack,” was a surprisingly utilitarian design created by Steve Burg who also designed the Starfury for Babylon 5.

Anyway, here’s a “making of” video from nearly two decades ago (shut UP you horrible young brats).

[youtube dLdMWlvRp7E]

 Posted by at 5:31 pm