Jul 242014

You know, there just might be a reason why some westerners are leery of any acceptance of sharia law by western courts…

Isis ‘ordering female genital mutilation’ in Iraq – UN

An edict was *apparently* released stating that all women between the ages of 11 and 46 in the city of Mosul must undergo the procedure. There is some question as to whether the edict was legitimately put out by ISIS, or whether it’s a hoax designed to make ISIS look bad. But like Poes Law, it’s one of those things where even if it’s a hoax, the reality is so bad that the hoax is entirely believable.  The Pope declares mandatory FGM? Nobody’d believe it. Obama orders it? Nobody’d believe it. Glenn Beck called for it? Nope. Putin? Castro? Hobby Lobby? How about an Islamic cleric with newfound political power? Weeeeellllll….

 Posted by at 9:48 am