Apr 252009

Clearly, everything I’ve ever doen to make a buck has been wrong. Been doing it the hard way. I need to get in on this action.

Can I convince an honest, reputable politician like John Murtha that funding APR to the tune of, oh, I dunno, a million dollars is vital to economic stimulus?

 Posted by at 11:43 pm

  5 Responses to “How do I get in on this?”

  1. You ever seen “Soul Man”?

  2. I don’t know. What is APR?

    And will it put gobs of untraceable cash in Jackoff Murtha’s pocket? That being the important question!

  3. “What’s APR?” Dude.

  4. > is there a non-paypal manner of payment for APR?

    Aerospace Projects Review. The magazine I publish, and pretty much the main reason-for-being of this website…

  5. I saw the post on the blog-only sale. Didn’t connect the dots! Sorry. And again, if it puts gobs of untraceable cash in JO Murtha’s pocket I bet he will be onboard with it.

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