Jul 112014

Gene Simmons to the white courtesy phone, please…


EXtreme ACcuracy Tasked Ordnance (EXACTO)

The Extreme Accuracy Tasked Ordnance (EXACTO) system seeks to improve sniper effectiveness and enhance troop safety by allowing greater shooter standoff range and reduction in target engagement timelines. The objective of the EXACTO program is to revolutionize rifle accuracy and range by developing the first ever guided small-caliber bullet. The EXACTO 50- caliber round and optical sighting technology expects to greatly extend the day and nighttime range over current state-of-the-art sniper systems. The system combines a maneuverable bullet and a real-time guidance system to track and deliver the projectile to the target, allowing the bullet to change path during flight to compensate for any unexpected factors that may drive it off course.

It would seem that this is a laser-guided bullet. Likely a two-man team… a spotter with a nice powerful optical system with a built-in laser designator, and a sniper with a nice big rifle. The spotter need not be especially close to the shooter, so that the BANG doesn’t rattle the aim of the laser.

The neat thing would be if the system works well enough to track and nail a moving target.

[youtube vX8Z2MDYX3g]

 Posted by at 5:34 pm