Jul 042014

American Apparel shares Challenger photo as ‘clouds’

Ow. Ow. My head. It hurts.


Seems likely that there are two explanations for this:

1) American Apparel is one of those annoying “edgy” companies that likes to push buttons, with the belief that “there’s not such thing as bad press.”

2) They hire monumentally stupid people, unaware of cultural icons.

AA has claimed that the real answer is #2, that the “international social media employee” who posted this was born after 1986, and thus, gosh, the little scamp couldn’t possibly be expected to be aware of Challenger. Uh-huh…

I vote #1. By being dicks, people are talking about them again. Hell, they even managed to get some space on the prestigious Unwanted Blog…


My interest here is not AA. I don’t give a damn about them or their shenanigans. But I find it sad that the excuse “whoops, too young to even know what Challenger was” is sufficiently valid to gain *any* traction. You know what? Hindenburg was slightly before my time, yet I think I’d recognize it in a photo, even if it was lightly Photoshopped.


 Posted by at 12:10 pm