Jul 032014

OK, things seem to be proceeding. The pledge level is at the “2 uploads per month” level, the first months pledge funds have been debited from the patrons and credited to my account. Due to fees and patrons that haven’t been debited – I’m guessing they’re signed up via credit cards that take days to verify or something – slightly less than 2/3 of the pledge amount actually comes through. So now that that’s underway, the next step is for the $10+ patrons to begin voting on *what* I’ll upload. I suspect that, depending on the vote, I’ll be able to make the uploaded drawings & documents available in around 10 days.

If you are one of the $10+ patrons, look for a message from me several hours from now. But right now I’m heading out to pick up a CD filled with large format scans from the print shop… and to drop off a number more large format diagrams to be scanned. Huzzah!

 Posted by at 8:37 am