Jul 012014

So, the Supreme Court decided that Hobby Lobby, a family owned business, *can* refuse to provide abortifactants to its employees due to the fact that the family that owns the corporation has a bit of a religious issue with killing babies (or “abortion,” if you prefer). That’s *all* the ruling says… Hobby Lobby cannot be forced to pay for abortion drugs. That’s it. The ruling doesn’t say that Hobby Lobby can prevent its employees from buying those drugs *themselves.” The ruling doesn’t say that Hobby Lobby can force anyone to carry babies to term. Just… *you* can’t force Hobby Lobby to buy something they don’t want. That’s it.

But oh, no, not if you read *this* steaming pile of crazed idiocy:

Why Women Aren’t People (But Corporations Are)

With such highlights as:

The decision to declare women Unpeople…

…women (lesser people-ish entities)…

Today, five men on the Supreme Court said that women’s reproductive health care is less important than a woman’s boss’s superstition-based prudery and moral trepidation about fornication for female pleasure.

They ruled that it’s okay for a corporate person to discriminate against a female semi-person and dictate that she not spend her compensation on stuff that might possibly be enabling sex without consequences…

This piece has over 1600 comments. I just glanced through a tiny fraction of them, and the general consensus seems to be that not having your employer pay for *everything* is the greatest human rights travesty since slavery.

LuftWaffleErin Gloria Ryan

I sometimes feel like women won’t be taken seriously as actual human beings until we start getting really violent and nasty. In the short-term, we’ll be seen as “unstable bitches.” But if we start inflicting the kind of terror on these men that they inflict on us, maybe they’ll start seeing us equals. Ladies, let’s start committing some violent crimes!


ClestestiErin Gloria Ryan

F**k Scalia, f**k Thomas, f**k Roberts, f**k Alito, they need to die, and Kennedy needs to be at the very least beaten unconscious. This is literally the WORST thing EVER to come out of the supreme court.

How the hell can we have a civil society if people cannot even be *vaguely* honest about what the hell is going on? You’ve got freaks screaming about wanting to commit acts of violence because they’re not getting free stuff.

 Posted by at 1:23 am