Jun 222014

It’s been a bad half-year for model work. Scratch that: it’s been a piss-poor half year. Starting somewhere around October, I began to be beset with issues (weather, travel, financial and especially health) that put a serious damper on my ability to work on both CAD and physical models. The result is that I am *really* behind on some projects. Some for Fantastic Plastic, others for private individuals/companies. But now that winter *finally* seems to be over (I had to run the furnace just a few days ago, now the AC is on), there are no near-term travel plans, APR V3N4 is out and a few recent bronchitis scares blew past without going full-blown, I’m back to working on models, both physical and digital.

The next all-new one I’m working on for FP will, I think, turn out pretty spiffy. It’s actually going to be a conversion kit, starting with a conventional, easily-obtained plastic kit as the basis. In a few days I hope to have a few things worth showing. But in the meantime, here’s a hint as to what the subject will be:


 Posted by at 4:37 pm