Jun 192014

So I wander out into the back yard to look at the stars, and I see this pure-white rabbit sitting there looking lost. Now, I don’t know from rabbits. Ain’t my schtick. But I’ve been in these parts for a decade now, and one thing we don’t have out here is a plethora of rabbits. Certainly not-stand-out-in-a-crowd, hey-mister-falcon-here-I-am white ones. It allowed me to get up to it and pet it before it hopped away. Being a dumbass, I went back in, got the cat carrier, and spent a while chasing this critter down before finally getting a grip on it and stuffing it into the box. So now it’s luxuriating away in my basement, still in the crate (it has water).

So tomorrow I get to contact neighbors and see who’s lost a bunny. I’ve no idea what else to do with it. One-Eye had notions, though… she saw me chasing it around, decided to come see what I was doing, and when she caught sight of the rabbit you could tell that “wow, that’s the biggest mouse I’ve ever seen” was passing through her little mind.

Obviously I got to the rabbit before One-Eye did. She would have had a chore and a half taking this guy down, though. It’s pretty sizable.


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