Apr 212009


Clearly the congregation thinks that this is just spiffy. To me it looks like this.

 Posted by at 10:37 pm

  3 Responses to “Baby Hitler”

  1. The similarity between this Baby and Adenoid Hynkel speech is frightening :O
    i hope the FBI monitors the parents and the child
    you never know….

  2. > i hope the FBI monitors the parents and the child

    I hope *not.* Ain’t no law in the US against wacky religiousness, just violence and its advocacy. Snake handlers, Scientologists, Raelians, Methodists… doesn’t matter how nutty their beliefs, so long as they ain’t hurtin’ nobody, they’ve got the right to be as goofy as they like.

  3. It just hit me that “The Great Dictator” was the “Team America” of it’s time. The dude was hilarious.

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