May 242014

Today is a Day of Days if you’re looking for videos of people proving themselves to be absolute whackjobs. First up: one Elliot Rodger, who, it seems, went on  shooting spree yesterday in California, killing at least seven (including himself) all because chicks don’t dig him. Before he went on his spree, he posted a video of himself laying out his plans and reasons. And while I’m not a female, and don’t pretend to be able to understand what motivates most people (women included)… wow, his failure with the ladies makes sense. He looks like he had money, and he appears to have been a “pretty boy” who should have been able to score with a  certain percentage of the womenfolk, but he projects WOW HE’S NUTS. I imagine he had an “aura” that repelled.

He seems to be reading from a script that had “insert weak sniggering HERE” in in in many places.

UPDATE: YouTube yanked the original, but there are other copies of it hosted by other YouTube users. Here’s one that’s still running (at least for now).

[youtube P8ZEjruo5eI]

And don’t even try to suggest that you don’t think his face was incredibly punchable.

And a different but just as unhinged form of crazy is on display with this crackpot who thinks that NASA wants to wage war on all of humanity, based on misreading a powerpoint presentation describing possible future technologies:

[youtube iskAWKctIAY]

And then there’s this asshole:

[youtube kQA_AM3EO88]

 Posted by at 9:28 am