May 212014

I managed to miss a hell of a photo op today. I visited Goosenecks State Park, which is the next best thing to the Grand Canyon, and took a boatload of photos. While sitting in my car swapping out lenses, I heard a loud rumbling. It turned out to be a B-1B bomber going balls-out just a few hundred feet up, wings swept all the way back and banking *hard* directly overhead. And so there I was with a disassembled camera in my hands. Hrrrmmmph.

That’ll teach me to be unprepared for high-subsonic strategic bombers…


Anyway, the Nuke Trip paypal button has been yanked. A “thanks” to all who contributed. I’m still a day from home (post title indicates current position), but when I get there I’ll start cooking up DVDs for the $50 and $100 contributors. Might take a little while to organize & burn ’em. One more nuke made it into the files at the last minute: a B43 welded to a post outside a recycling center in Socorro and slathered with a quarter inch of paint. Huh.

 Posted by at 10:50 pm