May 132014

People have heard me bitch about major international space programs for years. I much prefer *national* space programs, or programs among a small group of allies. Here’s a good reason why:

Russia to ban US from using Space Station over Ukraine sanctions

The article says that Russia’s deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin wants to ban the US from the ISS after 2020. In my view… why wait? The US would be best served by simply bailing on the program *now.* Take the money we’re blowing on ISS and use it to instead build a series of *American* space stations. Preferably, stations that do more than just go round and round, but stations that host paying customers, stations that serve as construction shacks, stations that prepare us for deep space flight. You know… *real* space stations. With large internal volumes. And permanent staff large enough to do more than just maintenance. And artificial gravity. And blackjack. And hookers.

 Posted by at 2:38 pm