May 022014

Waseca teen accused in school shooting plot had been planning for months

Lil dickens John David LaDue of Waseca, Minnesota, had plans, bombs and guns. The intent was to set off pressure cooker bombs at an elementary school and to shoot a bunch of folks. Fortunately he’s been caught in advance of carrying out his plans.

On the one hand, he had carefully planned out what he was going to do. On the other hand, he’s a fricken’ idjit (along with being a whackjob). Upon being arrested, he apparently gave a complete explanation of his plans, which included whacking his family with a .22, setting fires to draw off first responders, setting off bombs, shooting kids and then himself. He’s a big fan of the Columbine massacre.

The fact that he apparently blabbed easy indicates that he’s in it for the fame.

So, now we await for the inevitable politicization of this…

 Posted by at 6:54 am