Apr 302014

Saudi Arabia criticises Norway over human rights record

The Saudis big beef with Norway? They haven’t made it a crime to criticize religion, and Mohammad in particular. Norwegian Foreign Minister Børge Brende is quoted:

“It is a paradox that countries which do not support fundamental human rights have influence on the council, but that is the United Nations.”

It is long since past time that the whole idea of the United Nations be rethought. Rather than a collection of *every* nation, no matter how backwards, barbaric or just plain stupid and evil, getting together with everyone having a vote, what the western world should instead focus on are allegiances such as NATO. Exclusionary groups that choose to allow counties in based not on mere existence, but on a  shared set of values. And making it illegal to criticize some centuries-dead phoney should be a cause for exclusion.

Leave the UN as a place where combatants can come together to negotiate, and otherwise get rid of it as a bad idea.


 Posted by at 7:59 pm