Apr 132009

It is time to arise again, to go forth and pillage!!

Brown U. cancels Columbus Day  

 Hundreds of Brown students had asked the Providence school to stop observing Columbus Day, citing the explorer’s violent treatment of Native Americans. Reiko Koyama, a sophomore, says celebrating Columbus Day seemed inconsistent with Brown’s values.

The opening is now available to send a raiding party into Brown, and make them celebrate Bjarni Herjólfsson Day! They have shown that they are weak and open to attack. Burn their village, steal their gold, and treat their women with kindness and mercy, what with this being the 21st century and all. Vikings are barbarians, after all… not Islamists.

Still, take all their stuff. They’re hippies.

 Posted by at 7:51 pm

  2 Responses to “The time of the Viking has come at last!!!”

  1. The faculty caved in and decided to call it “Fall Weekend.” When Columbus Day was made a Federal holiday in 1970 they probably couldn’t care less who Columbus was. It was yet another day off for government employees.

    Hey how about this, if Columbus Day is inconsistent with Brown’s values, why not hold classes on Columbus Day and cancel the “Fall Weekend”?

  2. I’d add Thanksgiving and Christmas to the list of holidays to make them go to school during too. I mean, the pilgrims really began the scourge that wiped out the native american and Christmas. . .does something as outmoded as religion belong in such a prestigious school? Oh and the 4th as well. Should we REALLY be celibrating something as barbaric as war?

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