Apr 132009

According to US News and World Report:

It didn’t play out minute by minute on the nation’s television screens as so many other crises have, but the dramatic rescue of American hostage Richard Phillips on the high seas yesterday was still a defining moment for President Obama.

0bama does the absolute minimum he possibly could, and the press goes ga-ga. 0bama’s decision to allow the military to do its job was not a brave, difficult, courageous act of strong political will… it was the simplest decision possible. There was absolutely no conceivable upside for any other decision. So… 0bama’s ability to make blisteringly simple decisions is a “defining moment.”

 Posted by at 2:02 pm

  3 Responses to “Obamas defining moment”

  1. Kenneth T. Walsh is a moron. There was zero political risk to President Obama in sending in the Navy SEALs to free Captain Richard Phillips so this should hardly be defined as the Obama Administration’s “defining moment.” Somali pirates don’t have powerful friends and there wasn’t any outcry from our allies or opponents alike.

  2. Ya just know if it were Bush who did that he’d be villified as being a blood-thirsty, murdering cowboy who should be brought up on crimes against humanity for murdering those poor fisherman.

  3. Of course it was a defining moment. It’s the first time the man has made any decision at all. The media is having the same sort of moment most parents experience with a 3 to 4 year old child.

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