Mar 132014

Syfy’s Plan: More Space Operas, Less ‘Sharknado’

New Series coming along that promises… spaceships! It seems there has been a re-ordering of the brass at Syfy, with some new people that understand that the audience actually might *want* some quality space opera. Syfy is cutting back on the vast steaming pile of low budget “Megashark vs. UberTedKennedy” movies, and has signed off on the new miniseries “Ascension:”

Ascension takes place on a century-long space shuttle journey, where hundreds of men, women and children left Earth behind at the start of the Cold War. Nearly 50 years after their covert 1963 mission launched with the intention of colonizing a new world…

That’ll take some ‘splainin’. An Orion vessel, perhaps?

It’ll be nice to see some actual science fiction on Syfy again. All they have on now are fantasy crap, supernatural crap, Helix (which I’ve grown bored with) and… I dunno. Some other crap. Defiance was good, but it’s one 0f those series that lets whole geological epochs pass between seasons… it’s months before the next season starts and I’ve long since forgotten the first season.

 Posted by at 2:36 pm