Mar 082014

First, watch this:

[youtube RBQ-IoHfimQ]

The idea, I gather, is to show what a year in the life would be for a cute little British moppet if Syrian-style civil war came to London. The idea being to make you ponder “it could happen here,” I guess.

But it seems to me there’s a flipside: it *isn’t* happening in London. Britain, with all its troubles, at least is not yet loaded to the gills with Allahu-Ackbar-shouting savages blowing up schoolbuses or dropping barrel bombs out of choppers. So… it seems to me that this video is aimed at the wrong crowd. What good is there in trying to depress the people who are doing it right, culturally? It would be far better to tell the Syrains “Stop Being Jackasses.”

The secondary meaning would be “You see the kind of barbarians that are doing this in the Middle East? Don’t let them into Britain. Those that are there… kick them out.”


So, in short… *not* “what if the West was like the Middle East?” Instead, “what if the Middle East was like the West?”

 Posted by at 6:19 pm