Mar 042014

Apparently there’s this self-congratulatory Hollywood get-together called the “Oscars” where people you’ve never heard of vote on movies you haven’t seen. During the televised portions of this event, commercials are run… because if there’s anything Hollywood is short on, it’s apparently money.

The internet being what it is, there’s always someone out there looking for something to be offended about. One such wilting violet wrote about one of the commercials here:

American Car Ads Are an Embarrassment

The author there had a problem with one of the commercials aired during the Oscars, an ad for Cadillac that had the temerity to actually be *positive* about America, Americans and American culture. I know, right? How shocking! You’re trying to sell stuff to Americans, and you do so by telling Americans that, hey, we’re actually pretty good people with much to be proud of, and you do it with a sense of humor. How offensive! How elitist! How sexist/racist/ableist! I’m sure there’s fat-shaming in there too! So… Mr. Easily Offended wrote his little screed and filled it with expletives, just to show how good and proper and cultured he is, compared to those dumb Americans who are proud of America.

Take a look at the commercial and feel free to rant in the comments about jsut how terrible it was.

[youtube qGJSI48gkFc]

 Posted by at 12:50 pm