Feb 142014



For those who Don’t Get It, perhaps due to being non-American: there is a tradition of dubious value in the American public school system for kindergarten-through-grade-school kids on Valentines Day to set up little “mail boxes” on their desks to receive horrible mass-produced cheap Valentines Day cards. In some schools, what’s *supposed* to happen is that Lil Dickens gets a card for everyone in his class. What *actually* happens is that it turns into a straightforward way to measure popularity: the popular/attractive kids get a lot of cards, less popular kids get fewer. And then there’s the Ralph. There’s always a Ralph.

And because there’s nothing funnier than little kids learning real fast about the concepts of “unrequited love” and “the friendzone”…

[youtube YRb6hxsV7hc]

 Posted by at 1:00 am