Dec 112013

If you want a little bit of your Christmas cheer to subside, read this article. If you want to lose a little of your faith in the basic goodness of humans, read this article. If you want to lose a good chunk of your appetite, read this article.

Police: Man high on Molly…

Sadly, “Molly” here is not “Molly Ringwald,” but another name for MDMA, a.k.a. “Ecstasy.” I’ve cropped the full title, because it’s pretty horrific. Let me put it this way: it involves one Emmanuel Paulino reaching into his girlfriend and removing bits of her… while she was alive and conscious.


And here is where “insult” is added to “horrific injury:”

While walking to Dixon’s courtroom, Paulino indicated he wasn’t worried because he has Jesus on his side.

The only good part of this story is that the victim apparently survived, and the perpetrator is not only locked up, but has apparently tried to kill himself (failing to do so because he’s a drugged-up idjit). This here’s one of those times where you want the criminal in question to try to kill himself… and fail.

 Posted by at 7:13 pm